Conference Hotel

Charleston Marriott Town Center

The Marriott Town Center is a beautiful facility located in Charleston, WV.

Charleston Marriott Town Center
200 Lee Street East
Charleston, West Virginia 25301
Toll-free: 1-800-228-9290
Phone: 1-304-345-6500
Fax: 1-304-353-3722
City of Charleston, West Virginia

Rooms are available at the special conference rate of $101 per night until September 20.

Call now to make your reservations at (800) 228-9290 or (304) 345-6500, and mention that you are coming for the National AgrAbility Training Workshop.

Last updated: 29-Mar-2011 7:03 PM

For more info...


Paul Jones, Manager
BNG Resource Center
225 South University St.
West Lafayette IN 47907-2093

(800) 825-4264

Off-site events

Several sites are featured for the off-site event planned during the workshop this year. Tell me more...