Conference Hotel

Photo of the Hyatt Regency Witchita with a water fountain

The Amway Grand Plaza Hotel is a beautiful facility located in downtown Grand Rapids, MI.

Special conference room rates are:

  • $128 single or double + taxes
  • $138 triple + taxes
  • $148 quad + taxes
Photo of a room in the Photo of the Hyatt Regency Witchita

Please register early at 800-253-3590 and ask for the National AgrAbility Training Workshop rates.

Note: The contracted hotel room rates are no longer available.

Last updated: 16-Sep-2009 12:39 PM

For more info...

Paul Jones, Manager
National AgrAbility Project
225 South University St.
West Lafayette IN 47907-2093

(800) 825-4264

Off-site events

Several exciting offsite events are planned for the workshop this year

City of Grand Rapids, Michigan