Registration Fees and Procedure
- Conference registration fee: $350
- Late registration fee: $400 (after 9/18/2009)
- Full conference farmer or family member registration fee: $275
- Student registration fee: $150
- One day conference registration fee (Tue. & Wed.): $175
- Tour day registration fee: $50
Online registration will be closed on September 25, 2009. After this date, you may still register for the conference by calling 765-494-2758 or via the pdf form located on the website.
For registration, go online to
Last updated: 28-Aug-2009 12:27 PM
For more info...
Paul Jones, Manager
National AgrAbility Project
225 South University St.
West Lafayette IN 47907-2093
(800) 825-4264
Off-site events
Several exciting offsite events are planned for the workshop this year